Fiber to the home (FTTH)

Fiber to the home Monthly plans

Starting at $59.95 Per Month

200 Mbps FTTH

Unlimited Data

  • 200 Mbps Download*
  • 200 Mbps Upload
  • Unlimited Usage
  • No Contract
$ 59 95 /month†

500 Mbps FTTH

Unlimited Data

  • 500 Mbps Download*
  • 200 Mbps Upload
  • Unlimited Usage
  • No Contract
$ 79 95 /month†

1 Gbps FTTH

Unlimited Data

  • 1 Gbps Download*
  • 200 Mbps Upload
  • Unlimited Usage
  • No Contract
$ 99 95 /month†

FTTH Build Out Progress Tracker

Mercerville - Gallia County
Build Completed - Now Accepting Customers 100%
Aid to Aaron's Creek Rd- Lawrence County
Build Completed - Now Accepting Customers 100%
Aaron's Creek / Pedro / Prickly Ash / White Rd - Lawrence County
Build Complete - Now Accepting Customers 100%
Vinton - Gallia County
Build Complete - Now accepting Customers 100%
Rodney - Phase 2 - Cora Mill to Starcher Rd - Gallia County
Build Complete - Now Accepting Customers - Rodney Phase 1 100%
Rodney - Phase 2 - Dewitt Dr and Rodney Village 2 - Gallia County
Build Complete - Now Accepting Customers 100%
Fox Hollow / St Rt 650 - Lawrence County
Staged for for Construction 70%
Aid to Linville / St Rt 378 - Lawrence County
Build Complete - Now Accpting Customers 100%
Linville to Getaway - Lawrence County
Engineering & Make Ready 28%
Pedro to Decatur / St Rt 93 - Lawrence County
Under Construction 48%

No Contract One-Time Install Cost $299.00 + tax

Get your fiber connection installed at no cost upfront by opting for our 12 month installment option!

The day of installation taxes on the equipment are to be paid, which at the current install price of $299.00 (taxes equal $21.68).

Our 12 month installment agreement option is our way of spreading out the installation cost over time. For 12 months there will be an additional $25.00 added to your monthly bill. For example:  Your monthly service bill is $59.95/month and you choose to take advantage of the 12 month agreement , your bill will reflect the service package price of $59.95 and have additional line item for the financed installation cost of $25.00/month. Your monthly bill total will be $84.95 for 12 months. ** Actual statement/invoices amounts may vary depending on what other features you have enable on your account as well as any late fee charges or etc.

What's Included?


Physical fiber optic cable ran to your home by either burial or aerial deployment. 

Outdoor Equipment

Fiber Demarc will be installed on the outside of your home where the fiber will be installed. This unit will also provide the proper connections needs to take the connection into your home.

Equipment in the Home

An ethernet cable will be ran into your home from the Demarc box and plugged into a wireless router*.

Download speeds up to 900 Mbps

Our Fiber to the Home service provides speeds packages ranging from 100 Mbps to 900 Mbps Download speeds. 

* Wireless routers are not warranted JB-Nets, LLC, however, router comes with a manufacturer warranty.

** Accounts may reflect various different totals due to additional features or fees added onto the account. 

† Accounts that require a Public IP (for gaming, security systems, etc.) will be charged an additional $9.95 per month for this advanced service.

†† Standard Speed Package included with wireless installation is 10 Mbps Unlimited. Higher speed packages, including 100 Mbps Unlimited, are currently available in select coverage areas.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Customer Satisfaction is our Goal. That’s why there are no contracts required. No usage limits or hidden fees. No cancellation penalties. Plus, we offer a Money Back Guarantee for your Installation Cost within 30 days of your installation date if you are not completely satisfied with your service.

Additional Features

Voice over IP

  • Call Waiting
  • Caller ID
  • Dial Tone
  • Long Distance
$ 34 95 /month†

Protection from the unexpected with a coverage plan!

Our comprehensive coverage plan helps to protect your equipment from damage.

Coverage Plan

Wireless | Fiber | Phone

  • Peace of Mind
  • No Questions Asked
  • No Hidden Fees
  • Per installed location
$ 9 95 /month†

What will this equipment coverage plan cover for me?

It will cover the replacement of any and all defective components of your Internet installation required to restore your Internet connectivity to JB-Nets. These components are: outside radio, all wiring and wiring connections (interior & exterior), POE (Power Over Ethernet) device, and wireless router (if installed) at your premises. You will not be responsible for any equipment and or labor cost and the $10.00 standard service call charge will be waived. (This plan excludes non-equipment related bandwidth capacity issues and wireless upgrades at customers’ discretion.)

Would I be able to cancel coverage?

Yes, you can cancel your coverage at anytime. However, any equipment that has been replaced during your equipment coverage plan is no longer warranted. This means that if equipment fails at anytime after discontinuation of this plan, you must pay full price for all replacement equipment. Also, before coverage is reinstated there will be an account assessment and a coverage site assessment. If replacement of any existing installation site components is required due to malfunction, obsolescence, or normal wear and tear customer will be required to pay for necessary replacement cost before continuing coverage.

So what will the plan save me if, for example, my radio is damaged by a lightning strike?

If you have enrolled in the equipment coverage plan, you will get a new radio delivered and installed at no charge to you. However, if you choose not to enroll in the plan, with our currently established rates, your charges would consist of: $10.00 Service call fee + $ 89.00 Radio Replacement + tax, for a total of $105.93 due at the time of replacement.

* Outdoor equipment will receive the speeds indicated with chosen speed package. Other factors such as wireless routers, customer devices, amount of devices connected, distance from wireless router, etc. may cause lower than average speed readings. When conducting speed tests on any package expect the readings to range anywhere from the advertised speed to 80 Mbps lower than advertised.  

† Rates reflected are current base rates only and are subject to change.